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Kleiner G., Kobylko A.
Vasiliev, Y.S., Pankratova, N.D., Volkova, V.N., Shipunova, O.D., Lyabakh, N.N. (eds) System Analysis in Engineering and Control. SAEC 2021. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 442. Springer, Cham, pp. 43–51. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-98832-6_4
Год издания: 2022

The article  Business Ecosystem Strategy: Design and Specifics   explores the creation of a business ecosystem strategy.
This is a special kind of strategy. The ecosystem has business organization
features. This specificity reveals with the help of systemic economic theory.
These are companies and products with different spatial and temporal characteristics.
They are a common platform, business incubator, cluster, and network.
Ecosystem management is the soft control and soft coordination of firms while respecting their independence. This cancels the hierarchy and activates equal interaction of all elements. It is a tool for combining and coordinating the actions of different firms. The ecosystem strategy is based on these features. This type of strategy describes trends and vectors of the development of companies and products that enter the ecosystem. This strategic design describes as theses without time limits. This forms the goals for the corporate strategies of firms.