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Kleiner G.B., Rybachuk M.A., Karpinskaya V.A. 
Studies on Russian Economic Development, Vol. 33, No. 3, pp. 243–248.DOI: 10.1134/S1075700722030054
Год издания: 2022

The article  Strategic Planning and Systemic Optimization of the National Economy proposes an up-to-date version of the concept of strategic planning, taking into account the dynamics and state of economic theory, economic policy, economic management, as well as the features
of the functioning of the national economy of Russia. A set of decision-making principles is being formed at all levels of management. The possibilities of applying the experience of developing and implementing the System for the Optimal Functioning of the Economy (SOFE), created in the 1980s at the Central Economics and Mathematics Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences, are explored. The concepts of “optimization,”
“strategy,” and “strategic planning” are being revised. An attempt is being made to synthesize three main approaches to building a theoretical basis for improving economic management—strategic, optimization, and
ecosystem—aimed at achieving the goals of coevolutionary development of economic theory, management methodology and economic practice. The importance of developing the ecosystem structure of the economy
is confirmed by an estimated calculation of the impact of this process on Russia’s GDP growth.

elibrary https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-9804-0_1